Thursday, May 23, 2013


1. I feel like I did put a lot of effort in to my project, from doing my own sketches to replicating it in the computer, it took a lot of work put i would have liked to put more work in if i had more time.
2. If i was gonna redo my project I think i would put in a sun, and add texture and a different shape to the rocks in front.
3. I learned that i have a very simply art style, the style of the buildings and project looks cool, but its not very complex. I also learned that i cant draw straight lines.
4. I did enjoy participating in this project, i wish i could've had more time to keep expanding this project to make it bigger and more detailed, but overall it was fun to be able to do my own thing in art class and  not be told what to do all the time, my own ideas and style.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

weekly goals

to finish my project, im not sure what else to add to it seeing as i don't have to much time to add anything major, but i do have time to add small things to it. I will probably just play around and see what looks good with it.

Friday, May 17, 2013

weekly progress

got all of the detail done on the buildings and i kind of gave up on adding windows and shadows and just went with a different style

Monday, May 13, 2013

weekly goals

hope to get more detail done on the buildings this week and maybe the foreground textured and completed.

weekly reflections

started adding detail to the buildings not finished with it yet, played around with the perspective editor to get the shadows to fit right, still difficult

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This week i hope to add detail to the buildings, texture, windows, roof, etc. Might also try to shade some of the buildings this week, not looking foreword to doing that, i feel it might be complicated to get it the way i want it.