Friday, October 11, 2013


sketches for environment: Oct. 15
finished with environment by: Nov. 8
finish story board: Nov. 14
Finish animating: Around the end of Feb.
March or april I hope to have added sounds, and edited the animation to have it complete.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Art Analysis

In this image a viewer sees four main flamingos that are very round along with an extremely round alligator. In the background you see a flock of flamingos and then mountains and the blue sky. The name of the animation is "What If Animals Were Round" hence the round animals. Its comedic because the animals cant do any of the things you would normally see them doing. The artist is trying to convey the fact that everything is built the way it is for a reason and has that particular shape and structure to perform necessary means for survival. The artist is also just trying to make the viewer laugh by giving these animals ridiculous figures and failing at everyday tasks. Any comedic environment might have influenced their work, but it is truly hard to say what could've inspired this. The artist  clearly evokes humor out of the viewer, the entire point of this animation is to make people laugh. The art work and style for this animation was done in this particular way to maybe portray a level of realism in this "unrealistic" animation, the colors are so vivid and the scenery looks so real. The artwork contributes to society and the community because it entertains people of all ages, even if only for three minutes. It put a smile on my face when I watched it and i would consider that a job well done by the artist. The idea behind this whole piece is so unique and different that not many other have attempted similar animations. This is sort of similar to what i hope to do; i hope to have a similarly realistic scenery, realistic looking animals (besides the roundness factor), and most of all make people smile or laugh. This animation cuts to different scenes of different animals and doesn't stick to telling one main story with main characters, i hope to do just that.

Friday, September 13, 2013

New year, New Project

It's my second year, and i'm determined to complete a short animation this year. I would like to enter my animation into the film festival and possible even win something. Animation was my favourite topic that we covered last year, so why not tackle that again but on a much larger scale. My project ideas for this are all over the place, to me the hardest part is going to be building/developing a story. My ideas are limited by the rigs that I have access to, or the ones that I. One of the stories i'm learning towards is zoo animals, or another story with animals, it seems to be very popular for comedic genres. I will be using maya for this animation, so yes it will be 3D. Below will be some inspirational images that i have selected that represent some sort of idea that i want to present.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


1. I feel like I did put a lot of effort in to my project, from doing my own sketches to replicating it in the computer, it took a lot of work put i would have liked to put more work in if i had more time.
2. If i was gonna redo my project I think i would put in a sun, and add texture and a different shape to the rocks in front.
3. I learned that i have a very simply art style, the style of the buildings and project looks cool, but its not very complex. I also learned that i cant draw straight lines.
4. I did enjoy participating in this project, i wish i could've had more time to keep expanding this project to make it bigger and more detailed, but overall it was fun to be able to do my own thing in art class and  not be told what to do all the time, my own ideas and style.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

weekly goals

to finish my project, im not sure what else to add to it seeing as i don't have to much time to add anything major, but i do have time to add small things to it. I will probably just play around and see what looks good with it.

Friday, May 17, 2013

weekly progress

got all of the detail done on the buildings and i kind of gave up on adding windows and shadows and just went with a different style

Monday, May 13, 2013

weekly goals

hope to get more detail done on the buildings this week and maybe the foreground textured and completed.

weekly reflections

started adding detail to the buildings not finished with it yet, played around with the perspective editor to get the shadows to fit right, still difficult

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This week i hope to add detail to the buildings, texture, windows, roof, etc. Might also try to shade some of the buildings this week, not looking foreword to doing that, i feel it might be complicated to get it the way i want it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

My weekly goal

My goal for this week is to scan my sketch into the computer and to get it roughly outlined in photoshop in black, without the detail.

Friday, April 19, 2013


I plan to complete my project by may 21st, with a final photoshop jpeg completed. I plan to sketch out my scene first without any shading or too much detail, then to upload it to photoshop and put in the shading and majority of the detail. I plan for it to be a tall abandoned city with a person on a hill, and for that person to maybe be the only thing in color, representing that one person can change the world and just show the world in a very different way.
In this image i see an abandoned camp or town, the image is all in black and white, theres hills and in the corner there is a zombie. The artist is trying to convey this feeling of emptiness and abandondment even though there is plenty of buildings. The black and white really adds to the mood the artist is portraying, with the whole zombie and empty town. Im not really sure what influenced this art in the artists surroundings. The zombie and post apocalyptic theme is really big right now with movies and tv shows, games, and even comics. The art was created in this type of art style because its simple with its detail but the way its shaded is very complex, and the simplicity of the black and white creates this feeling that just fits the theme perfectly. The artwork like this contributes to the community that enjoys seeing and watching the zombie artwork, there is a large community and support group for that. Im sure that they have the same kind of community for this art work somewhere in the uk and in many other countries. The piece is similar to what im going to do because im going to have a similar scene with a larger city and keep this art style, the viewpoint will be behind a person like this one. Im not going to involve zombies in my project.